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Denied Life Insurance Claim Lawyer

If you’re facing a life insurance claim denial after the death of a loved one, we’ll challenge the denial on your behalf and do everything in our power to ensure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

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When dealing with the death of a loved one, the last thing anyone wants to do is fight with the insurance company over a denied life insurance claim. Unfortunately, life insurance claims are routinely denied for a variety of reasons, leaving family members scrambling to pay for final expenses and funeral costs. If you are facing a life insurance claim denial after the death of your loved one, you can fight back. At Life Legal, our experienced life insurance attorneys understand how difficult a denial can be. Therefore, when you come to us for assistance, we will do everything in our power to obtain a successful result on your behalf. If you are ready to fight back and obtain what is rightfully yours, contact Life Legal today.

Common Reasons Life Insurance Claims Are Denied

In many cases, beneficiaries have no problems when dealing with life insurance companies. When a policy has been in place for years with regularly paid premiums, most life insurance providers will pay the required benefits when the insured individual passes away. However, the life insurance business is just that—a business. In other words, these companies make money by collecting premium payments and not paying out significant claims. Therefore, it is in the best interests of life insurance companies to pay out as little as possible, and they will often use any excuse they can find to deny a claim. Common reasons life insurance companies deny claims include:

  • Mistakes or misrepresentation. One reason that a life insurance company will deny a claim is a mistake or a misrepresentation on the application for insurance. The information provided must be accurate, especially information concerning the insured’s medical history or risk factors. When mistakes in these areas are discovered, insurance companies often assume that they are intentional lies, and this results in claim denials.
  • Contesting or investigating a claim. All life insurance policies include periods of contestability in their terms and provisions. Typically, this period is two years from the date the policy begins, but it can vary depending on the policy. When an insured party dies during this early period, the insurance company is legally entitled to investigate to determine if any fraud or misrepresentation has occurred. Often, insurance providers take advantage of this to deny valid claims.
  • Failure to pay a premium. If an insurance customer fails to pay policy premiums, this can result in a lapse in life insurance coverage. If this happens, the policy can be forfeited, prohibiting beneficiaries of the policy from collecting any benefits. Oftentimes, the insurance customer has no idea that their life insurance policy lapsed leaving a voided policy to his or her beneficiaries after their death.

What to Do Following a Life Insurance Claim Denial

If your life insurance claim has been denied, there are several steps you can take to obtain the benefits that are rightfully yours, including:

  • Contact the insurer. When an insurer denies a claim, the denial letter typically includes the reasons that the claim was denied. However, these letters often lack clarity and supporting details, leaving beneficiaries in the dark regarding the true justification for the denial. Therefore, it is often necessary to contact the insurer to obtain these additional details. However, as discussed below, you should discuss your denial with an attorney and allow them to contact the insurer for additional information.
  • Appeal the denial. If your life insurance claim has been denied, you can contest the rejection by presenting evidence via a process established by the insurer. If your appeal is successful, the insurer will pay your claim. However, this process is complicated. Therefore, you shouldn’t attempt to contest the denial alone. Rather, when contesting a denied life insurance claim, you should enlist the services of an experienced insurance denial attorney.

Contact a Lawyer That Specializes in Life Insurance Claim Denials

If your life insurance claim has been denied, you need an experienced life insurance denial attorney on your side. At Life Legal, we will fight hard to help you obtain the financial compensation that is rightfully yours. We are dedicated to helping people who need legal services related to life insurance, critical and chronic care benefits, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, and accelerated death benefits. When you come to Life Legal for assistance with your denied claim, we will help you navigate the claims process and fight back against the powerful interests that are attempting to take advantage of you. With Life Legal on your side, you can rest assured that you will always know the status of your case, be kept informed about any important developments, and have direct contact with the attorney handling your appeal. So, if you’re ready to obtain what is rightfully yours, please contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our talented attorneys.

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Insurance Claim Denial FAQs

Insurance companies routinely deny life insurance claims. Often, the reasons for these denials are difficult for claimants who lack legal backgrounds to fully understand. In addition, life insurance policies are contracts, and their accurate interpretation typically requires an in-depth knowledge of the insurance industry and the law. Therefore, it is often necessary to hire an experienced lawyer to increase your odds of a successful appeal.

At Life Legal, our attorneys will evaluate your case to determine whether you have a valid claim, then go to work on your behalf to help you obtain the benefits that are rightfully yours. When you hire us to represent you, we will do the following:

  • Navigate the life insurance claim process
  • Appeal your denied claim and fight to obtain the benefits you are owed
  • Cover any upfront costs of medical records
  • Use our knowledge and experience to increase your odds of a successful resolution
  • Handle your case on a contingency fee basis—meaning that you pay nothing unless we win
  • Keep you informed of our progress every step of the way

At Life Legal, we work on a contingency fee basis, which means that we don’t get paid unless our life insurance attorneys recover money on your behalf. Specifically, any costs associated with hiring experts, collecting medical records, or paying filing fees will be covered by us and then recouped from the sum we recover on your behalf along with our contingency fee. Most importantly, if we don’t recover any money on your behalf, you owe us nothing.

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